Council Meeting 09/30/2019
Devotion: Philippians 2:19-30 How do we keep the wheel of partnership going? 1. Keep asking - keep stepping out in faith 1 Kings 17:7-16 is a story of Elijah where God lead Elijah to ask a widow who has her last resources. God wanted to bless the widow more, but it would not have happened unless the prophet asked. Our asking gives opportunity for God's people to be blessed by God over and over. 2. Keep talking - regularly communicate with your ministry partners The Apostle Paul was in the habit of communicating to churches in Asia Minor. More than being a father, he asked churches to consider giving to other congregations and even for his need (2 Corinthians 8) 3. Keep thanking - express gratitude because they believe in you Philippians 1:3-11, Paul saw the glory in being grateful to the church. Ultimately it is God that we thank, but God uses his church to meet our needs. 4. Keep sha...